Simmerling Testarossa

A Dalmascan Rose, weaving the winding path between a war-haunted past and an unwritten future..

Simmerling Testarossa

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A Dalmascan Rose, weaving the winding path between a war-haunted past and an unwritten future..


Simmer is a refugee of the Dalmascan occupation, displaced from her beloved country by the Garlean annexation of Othard and its territories.Before the takeover she was simply Anjuli - another parentless urchin on the streets of Rabanastre's North End. It may have been a difficult life, but at least she knew freedom.Then came Garlemald's invasion of Dalmasca.Simmer's natural affinity for magick quickly garnered the attentions of forces within the Resistance, desperate for any advantage.

The girl was but seven years of age when Dalmasca's conquest brought her under the unexpected tutelage of Karsh Jor - an accomplished warmage himself.According to those closest to him, Karsh saw an impressionable weapon to be honed then unleashed upon his enemies. No price was too high to pay for the liberation of his beloved Dalmasca.The full talents of his pet "Simmerling" were quickly brought to bear upon any Garlean force he could find - even against the orders of Lente's Tears, who discovered his tactics were consuming ally and foe alike.

For thirty long seasons the Empire 'restrained' itself from retaliating against her people's valiant efforts to fight back, for the Resistance was seen as naught but a trickle before the stone wall of Imperial rule. Doma's liberation and defiance stoked a spark of hope into an unexpected inferno of uprising.To bring the Dalmascans to heel, the Emperor himself commanded Rabanastre itself be set aflame in what would be coined The Razing.The desert jewel's destruction by aerial bombardment drove most of the Resistance into hiding in order to regroup, escape capture and avoid execution.


  • Common-name: Simmerling/"Simmer"

  • Born: Anjuli Testarossa

  • Race: Hyur, Othardian

  • Clan: Mixed Mid/Highlander

  • Birthplace: Pre-Occupation Rabanastre

  • Orientation: Fluid

  • Likes: Fine Spirits, Storms

  • Dislikes: Onions

  • Hobbies: Oils, Camping

  • Beliefs: The Light of Kiltia

  • Main Jobs: BLM, RDM

  • Support Jobs: DNC, GNB

  • Specialties: Battle Magicks & Aetherial Manipulation

"..Dalmascan Mage of thirty-and-seven summers, uniquely talented at her craft and unafraid to display it upon the battlefield. Of repute to Garlean forces as a longtime Resistance Fighter with a habit of immolating scores of Legionaires at a time.Surviving soldiers claimed the spellweaver's eyes glowed a crystalline azure hue as she weaved deadly magicks, particularly fond of putting man and machina both to the torch with hellfire and levin.'- Field Record 0992

Despite being named for her purely destructive abilities, Simmerling is a steadfast friend and exceedingly private - keeping even her most trusted companions at a careful distance. Likely she does so for fear that should Dalmasca finally call her home, she would somehow hesitate to answer in kind.Since the collapse of the Garlean Empire she has split her newfound peace between her further studies of thaumaturgy and laboring alongside her people on their long path of rebuilding.


I don't have many rules, but here are some important things to know:

  • Longtime RP'er, 21+, WU/T and LGBTQ-Friendly!

  • Dark/Mature storylines don't frighten me, however I won't explore such themes with anyone under 18 and don't dabble in storylines involving minors, exploitation, abuse, etc.

  • I rarely have dedicated RP hours. Offline life is quite crazy so please be patient. IC is not OOC.

  • Major IC Stuff (rolls, stealing attempts, attacks, etc.) should asked OOC via /tell beforehand.

  • Please do not use my images/storylines/characters. I will know.

  • For my own personal comfort, I do not do audio or video chat. Sorry.

  • Lastly and MOST IMPORTANTLY - Communication. If you're confused or in doubt, just ask!
